Swapping for new items with your membership
Swapping for new items with your membership
Unlock your shipment
Unlock your shipment
Shipments unlock on your monthly bill date and do not roll over to the next month. If more plans pop up on your calendar, you can add another shipment anytime throughout the month!
Swap for new items
Swap for new items
Tap 'Swap' on the items you’re ready to send back, select new items, and confirm your new shipment. Use your pre-paid label and either return your shipment to your local UPS or visit My RTR to schedule an at-home pickup.
Keep what you love
Keep what you love
Not ready to let items go? We’re flexible! Hold onto the items or buy them at a reduced price.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked
We recommend planning ahead to determine when to place your next order. Check your calendar! Keep weekend trips, dinner dates, and other plans in mind while choosing items.
Want new items on a whim? You can get extra spots by adding additional items to your bag anytime you’re building a shipment. Additionally, you can add an extra shipment anytime you run out!
Planning ahead? You can adjust the amount of spots and shipments for your next month from your Membership Settings.
If you recently ordered a shipment and have not sent back the items you marked ‘swapping,’ you will not be able to swap again until we’ve received your returns.
If it seems like something else is going on, please contact us and we’ll help you!
If you have shipments available, your previous return may be overdue. You will see an “overdue” message if you recently ordered a shipment and have not sent back the items you chose to swap. Send back your items right away to remove the overdue status. If you’ve already returned your items, please contact us, so we can assist!
If it seems like something else is going on, please get in touch.
If you're out of shipments, the swap button won’t become available until your next swap unlocks on your bill date.